The Macintosh is Year 2000 compliant, but Windows and Unix machines, particularly older models, are vulnerable. And any applications that cannot handle the date change properly must be revised, regardless of the platform they are running on. Our own systems are the least of our worries, however. Even if they are compliant, we still have to worry about the computers running the rest of our world.
Important dates: January 1, 2000 and beyond
- 4:01 pm, PST, Dec. 31, 1999. Global communications equipment and other worldwide computer systems, which operate on Greenwich Mean Time, will all switch over to 2000.
- Feb. 29, 2000. The year 2000 is a leap year, an exception to a common formula for determining leap years that some programmers may have missed. This glitch could result in computers thinking that 2/29/99 doesn't exist.
Y2K Information on the Web
The GartnerGroup suggests preparing as if expecting a major storm that will last less than a week.
- Have on hand an adequate supply of flashlights, candles and blankets.
- Store water, nonperishable food, first-aid, prescription drugs.
- Withdraw cash from your bank, and fill your gas tank before 12/31/99.
- If your payroll system isn't equipped to handle direct deposits during the Year 2000 changeover, ask to be paid by check.
- Keep accurate records of bills, balances, investments, insurance, and medical records for current problems.
- Review compliance of any medical equipment upon which you depend.
- Check your computers and any security and navigational systems.
- Don't plan to fly in early January, 2000, especially abroad.
Other Crucial Conversions occurring at the same time.
- On January 1, 1999, the European Union starts conversion to a new currency, the Euro. All national currencies are scheduled to be phased out by 2004.
Created 12/7/98. Last updated 12/23/99.
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